Sunday, July 19, 2009


Rob contemplating stuff.
What Jaydie (and anyone for that matter) caught when he was fishing.
I know half his face is cut off, but I just thought his one eye was really saying something here.

Nolie's sandy/cute feet.
Is Jaydie looking at his thumb to make sure he's got good form? We may never know. But look at how cute these three babies are.
We happened to see an adorable babushka girl there. Did you want to frame this Rocky?
Camping cuties.
Jaydie looks a tad too excited to be holding an ax. We didn't lose any fingers, so it's all good.

We did some camping with some of our party people a few weeks ago and it was loads of fun!! Of course you know I was not in a tent, we borrowed Grandma's sweet motorhome. This princess doesn't do tents. The boys want to live in a motorhome forever and actually Nolie wants one for his birthday. So you work on that.


grammie said...

Oh, Princess Care, you're so funny. Love the camping pics and comments. Yes, I'm up at o'dark thirty to go to work...yikes!! Love, momma

teampischke said...

I am not sure I can enjoy this post... being out of order and all....

CD said...

I know, right???

G-Unit said...

Nice work care. Sorry about the comments. You must be losing your audience.

The Jackson's said...

Are you so happy, I am leaving a comment?! All you had to do was put my cuteness on your blog. And of course I want to frame it!! You did good Car. I am very proud of you! Luv ya! -Rocky