Tuesday, November 6, 2018


 We've been up to all kinds of shenanigans over here!!  Breaking lamps
 Pulling many teeth.  Only 6 more to go!
 A very sleepy baby after surgery.
 Two out of five of our favorite Coloradians came for a visit!!
 I did NOT allow Rob to wear this number to the halloween thang; although he wanted to.  You're welcome!!
 All these boys served at the Family Fall Festival.  No more trick or treaters for me :(
 Even though they're all grown up now they still destroy stuff!  They have a looonnnggg history of this!  It's already fixed tho.
 World's cutest couple award!!
Aunt Hallie let Jayden drive her around.

Jayden and his youth pastor share a birthday!  They had to stand on the chairs while we sang to them.