I finally figured out how to put a video on this here blogger...have Rob do it. Thanks Sweetie!! Here is a video of the next Billy Joel. That's right, you all are witnessing history in the making. He's only been taking lessons since Nov. and already has shown himself to be a piano prodigy. No, I'm not biased at all!! Honestly, it was one of the cutest things I've seen all year. Stay tuned for more of Jaydie Joel (that will be his stage name).
It was so cute! Wow, video. You ARE quite the blogger!!
Great Job!!! Did you teach him Cari? Awesome!!
He looks like such a handsome little man! It cracks me up how much he resembles you and Rob...with those glasses and all! :) :) :) Too cute! You have every right to be a proud mama. He is a musical genius! :)
Jayders, we are so very proud of you! I especially loved the part where you played and then played really, really soft...that's called dynamics (your teacher probably already taught you that) and you did it so well! Please keep up the good work. Papa and I can't wait to hear you play some time in person, but were very happy to see this video...Good job too, Care and thanks, Rob, for allowing us watch almost as if we'd been there!
Lots o' love, Nana
PS There are jelly beans on the way!
Hi Guys. I'm trying this again because I thought I chose Nana as my display as...let's see if I fixed it!
Love, kisses and hugs,
PS I showed Casey and Donna your video...they were so impressed!
Yippe, I did it!
That was the most adorable thing I've EVER seen...I am so proud of you Jaydie...and your mother has given you a new stage name, isn't that hysterical...Jaydie Joel...Grampie says it will be JJ for short!! We love you..We'll be at your next recital PROMISE..Love, Grammie & Grampie
Care...I goofed up the "and" between our names, can you fix it?? Love, Momma
Wow the grandparents are really yakin it up on here :)
Just now watching this... it is adorable.. Lobe your new name for him....
I heard that Hallie Wallie!! Love, Momma
I had to watch it twice- it was so sweet. I love his little face as he turned to you for your smile of approval! And Rob's little "huh" at the end- saying "That's my boy!"
So so awesome.
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