Sunday, September 20, 2009


This boy's got rhythm.

This homeschooler is going to be physically active AND socialized. Hence the P.E. class and the 15 other things we're signed up for. After the class he says, "I sure worked hard today." And I say, "that you did Jaydie, that you did."


emily said...

Cari- you can call him anything you want(keag, keagster, keagan weagan) as long as you keep up the comments on my blog! :) Thanks for making me feel popular!

G-Unit said...

Thanks for bringing your camera. I can't seem to remember it these days.

grammie said...

Jaydie's really got his groove on!! I'm so proud of him...he takes after Grammie's side of the family, huh?

teampischke said...
