Sunday, September 13, 2009


The children have been totally enthralled with Daddy's Signature goods. They dream about these little red machines and ask a few times a day (okay, constantly) to ride them. If you ever want to be completely freaked out and nervous about 3 boys on speedy little cars, then come on over to my house. The rule is, only when Daddy's watching. So I just sit in the house and pretend like they're out there playing a friendly game of tag or something of that nature.


G-Unit said...

Awesome! My boys are never riding those...thanks though!

grammie said...

That is awesome..and a little frightening. Glad the rule is "only when Daddy's watching"

teampischke said...

I wonder if this is what God does when we go trying stuff he would rather us not..
I with Hallie.. when we come down to see you make sure those little numbers are tucked away!

Little codster and Miss Ashley said...

that is sooo cool!!! I want one!

Missy said...

Denial is a beautiful thing!

Rob said...

Who said I was actually watching them? :)