Myfourboys on a lazy Saturday (or Sunday, I don't really remember) watching man vs. wild. Soon they will be fully prepared to be thrown in to the middle of the jungle and survive on just bug guts and animal carcasses.
Of course Jaydie put an air soft BB in his ear to collect wax and gunk over the last year or so. Where else would he put it? Praise Jesus his hearing wasn't affected. Now he has no excuse for his selective listening.
I used your son as a scare tactic last night when Coop put a fruit snack in his ear.. by the end of our conversation Coop wanted to make sure Jayden was okay.. What can I say.. I take every opportunity to learn from you that I can get.
How did you know about it? Was he complaining his ear hurt? Glad they were able to get it out.
So thankful you or the doctor's cleaned it before taking a picture.
Wow, that was a pretty good size BB. Glad he can still hear. Maybe there will be less selective hearing now. See you next week!!
Is there a direct link between man vs. wild and the bb. Think about it, does Bear ever stick things in his ear to survive...maybe it was smart move...
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