Sunday, February 14, 2010


I don't know what's gotten into me, but I'm all Martha Stewart and stuff this Valentine's. Hopefully without a prison sentence in my future though.

I don't know why God would give me such cute Valentines!! So stinkin' blessed, I can't even believe it!!!


Little codster and Miss Ashley said...

AWWW, they too are blessed to have you! Wanna come cook and/or bake for me????

Mrs. K's Super Second Graders said...

Your homemade valentines are so cute!!! What was inside of them??? You are so much better than Martha Stewart!!! :) Love you friend! Happy Valentines Day! :)

G-Unit said...

How come we didn't get any valentines or cupcakes? I like your pictures though.

CD said...

Joy...m n m's

Hallie...because I left yours in the car and they melted. Who knew it would be 72 degrees in mid Feb.

grammie said...

You are blessed Care...and you are such a blessing!! loved the Martha Stewart cupcakes and love you!!

teampischke said...

get your craft on girl.. FUN.. Those cupcakes make me want to eat.. exactly what I am trying not to do!