Here is one of my twin alien sons. It's kind of ironic that they would draw themselves this way considering they act like aliens on a semi regular basis.
And the other twin alien with a frown of course. That's his frown on his neck and those two little lines on the sides are his arms, in case you didn't get that.
Jaydie looks a little more human with his blue nose and green shirt. He always has to have a green shirt. Must analyze that Grammie.
In conclusion, I may have overestimated the twins' ability to make a self portrait, but these little goodies are keepers for sure. Even if they are alien-like.
Well, hands down, absolutely the best post to date (they are the cutest aliens in town)....and the reason Jaydie likes green is because its Grammie's favorite color. It took me 12 years in school and $40,000 to know that.
Aliens indeed! I'm dying right now! I love Nolie's sept 1 comments! It sounds just like his mommy!
I'm not sure how to feel about this, but when keagan saw the 2nd "alien" drawing he said, "Mommy!!" :)
Oh Man.. you may need to get some art docent credits for this one... Is Jayden trying to turn the papal robes green?
Ummm, did you just say docent and papal? I don't even know what those words mean. You gotta stick to the remedial with me.
ADORABLE!!!!! You should do self portraits every year to see how much they change. We do that at Sonrise and it's so fun to see their progression (or digression for some) over the years! :) :) :) You are a great mommy and a wonderful teacher!!! :)
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