Tuesday, December 21, 2010


As seen on tv strikes again!! You remember this fabulous product, don't you? Well, I've struck gold again. I'm telling you, my feet are not near as cracky as they were before this ginormous lip balm for feet came along. (There's a sentence I never thought I'd say.) I thought I would spare you the proof. (Besides, I forgot to take a before picture.) You're welcome!!!


Grammie said...

Well, glad you found this product, now you just need a product to tell you you're wearing the correct shoes.

Little codster and Miss Ashley said...

Hey, will this help with the cracks on my face (aka wrinkles)?
I guess you wouldn't know, You don't have wrinkles!!

teampischke said...

how did I miss this... no words.. none.. nada...

G-Unit said...

Gagging in my mouth right now.