The boys have played with this toy more than any other and for the longest time. Who knew? These probably don't look so appetizing but they were; and healthy too!! A big thanks to Pinterest for giving me more ideas than I could ever begin to try and thanks to my family for being my guinea pigs. Ummm, yes please!!! This is all part of training them up in the way they should go. See those color groups? I've never been so proud. One of the many fun things the cousins taught us...arm farts. Such a blessin'!! I suppose it was in my boys' nature anyway and it would have come out eventually. Sorry to all the innocent bystanders that have had to endure hearing this.
I miss you guys, arm farts and all, and I'm not even gone yet!! and those broccoli thingy's were so yummy! Thanks for taking care of your Momma in her old're a blessin...
HMMM??? Yep, Yep.. I'm thinkin you should have a girls night and have us all over for dinner being you said Pinterest gave you more ideas than you could ever begin to try! Well, start trying and we will start eating! ;0)
Yes, thanks so much for all the wonderful life lessons :) He sure has a cute face though!
I miss you! Those broccoli things look pretty tasty - I am afraid to check pinterest though because every time I go on, I lose an hour or two haha!
I miss you guys, arm farts and all, and I'm not even gone yet!! and those broccoli thingy's were so yummy! Thanks for taking care of your Momma in her old're a blessin...
HMMM??? Yep, Yep.. I'm thinkin you should have a girls night and have us all over for dinner being you said Pinterest gave you more ideas than you could ever begin to try! Well, start trying and we will start eating! ;0)
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