Monday, April 9, 2012


 Well of course they turned over the trampoline!!  Not before they turned it on it's side and rolled it around the yard and ran into the patio cover and broke a piece of it off though.  Are ya following me?  Try to keep up.
How it is that we don't spend at least half our time at the ER is beyond me.  Actually, it's got to be the incalculable grace of GOD.   And your prayers of course.  You ARE praying, right???  I suppose I could tell them "no" every now and again, but where's the fun in that?


thethriftywife said...

These pictures make my heart stop a little. Maybe it is a good thing I am having a girl :)

When are you moving??? I would offer my help, but I'm a little too large for that. Well, I can offer moral support and Starbucks ;)


CD said...

Starbucks would be sooo helpful! We still don't have a date, but probably around the 20th. See you then. ;)

Little codster and Miss Ashley said...

I'm prayin, I'm prayin!!!

G-Unit said...

I have seen it with my own eyes and it is frightening!!!!

grammie said...

It's a Christmas miracle that they are safe. Let's get a really strong trampoline for the new house and bolt it to the ground!

teampischke said...

Can I ever trust you to watch my children?

teampischke said...

Can I ever trust you to watch my children?