Monday, August 13, 2012


 I don't even know where to begin in regards to blogging.  There's been so much.  So I'll just start with a couple random pics.  Above we have the "quick play" version of Monopoly which is going on 4 days.  Is the regular play 10 days?  Marathon Monopoly if you ask me. 
All I can say about this is...ummmm, yes please!  How cute does he look in these Brad Pitt glasses?


Little codster and Miss Ashley said...

Oh boy,you have Monopoly boys too!! My boy loves to play that game, me.. Not so much!! Thanks for blogging, missing the updates!

Grammie said...

You're so busy Care...what a nice Mommy to play games with the boys and "yes" he does look like Brad Pitt...Just adorable!!

Ashley said...

What little hunks you have ;)

G-Unit said...

Here I am!!! Real nice hon...real nice!