Friday, November 30, 2012


 We've got punching and jumping going on here daily.  I think it's because of all the boys that live here.

 The twins had to defile my new table as soon as it entered the house.

 You would be so proud Daddy.  A staple on every side of every light.  Can I get an Amen?
 I always feel like you can't get the decorations up soon enough.  This was Thanksgiving day.
One of Nolie's eyes is always doing something a little funny.


Grammie said...

Oh my word. I haven't looked at your blog forever. I think its cuz we live together and I see you everyday!! Great pics Care...Love you guys!!

Anonymous said...

You and your mama are adorable. How is it that neither of you have changed in over 20 years????? NO FAIR! I love you both! xoxo