We went to the lighthouse again but this time the twins got to go to the top. None of the boys spit down the center or threw anything so I consider it a success. Momma and me in our last picture together forever. Just kidding, Momma. Are you crying?? The tide pools were a hoot. Am I a homeschool mom or what??
My, my, you are becoming quite the artist with that camera. Love the picture of Nolan with the lighthouse behind him and the curved pathway. Nice. Looks like you guys had a lot of fun.
another successful blog entry!! We did have fun, didn't we?? Love the pic of nonie in front of the lighthouse!! He's the mini-light of the world, right??
tide pool rock!!!! and so do you:) i had to do some research in a oxygen rich tide pool this weekend and found, um........nothing. I wish I could see the creatures that were in your tide pool.
I was going to say I love that picture of Nolan with the lighthouse,but it looks like everyone else beat me to it. Thats okay, I guess you can get lots of likings out of it. Good job missy!
My, my, you are becoming quite the artist with that camera. Love the picture of Nolan with the lighthouse behind him and the curved pathway. Nice. Looks like you guys had a lot of fun.
Amazed that you had that much sun in the PNW... bet it is gonna rain there for the next 3 weeks...
See you very soon!
another successful blog entry!! We did have fun, didn't we?? Love the pic of nonie in front of the lighthouse!! He's the mini-light of the world, right??
tide pool rock!!!! and so do you:) i had to do some research in a oxygen rich tide pool this weekend and found, um........nothing. I wish I could see the creatures that were in your tide pool.
I was going to say I love that picture of Nolan with the lighthouse,but it looks like everyone else beat me to it. Thats okay, I guess you can get lots of likings out of it. Good job missy!
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