Friday, June 26, 2009


The children just love Uncle Christer. They say "Uncle Christer is funny." Now that's a huge compliment when you consider how goofy these dudes are.
Rob is of course training them up in the way they should go with his Bible Application on the iphone. You'd think I was selling the iphone the way I keep endorsing it on my blog; I'm not, really.

Christer makes stuff up. It says so on his shirt. Yes, Christer is also gifted comically (in case you were wondering). If only he had the looks like I do. P.S. I had just finished VBS for the week. That explains the shirt and the haggard look on my face.
Aren't all these boys just so handsome?? Say yes.

Friday, June 19, 2009


Following in what seems to be a family tradition now, Yenner decided he wanted to swim without the super-suit. Jaydie did the same thing when he was almost 4 and Yenner proved to be a little fish as well. Nolie wanted to slap on some trunks like the others, but I figured that since he just got in the deep end last week I should probably give him some time. That and the fact that it's scary enough to have one child that you can't take your eyes off of for one second. Gone are the days of not worrying about my floating sumo wrestlers, now I actually have to watch my kids. That's all.

P.S. There is now a spinning Yenner video in the post below if you want to see more pycho. Can you tell Rob got the new iphone that has a video feature on it? Buckle up for some videos people.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


These are a few of the boy's favorite things to do right now. Here we have child A twisting the swing until child B is close to not being able to breathe. Child A then releases child B to spin into nausea until he can't spin anymore. They love this.

This is just a little something Jaydie whipped up in hopes of climbing up to the roof. Clever, huh??
Yenner had a run in with a piece of gum and this was the result. He cried like a little girl when I cut it out.
The slide that's built in with the swing set didn't do enough for Jaydie I guess, so he fashioned a new way to slide (and by slide I mean plummet) down that gives him a bit more of a rush.
You have just witnessed (in pictures) a day in the life of me and my three boys. Do you pray enough for me?? It's really shocking to me that we haven't had more ER visits. Something to look forward to I guess.

Thursday, June 11, 2009


I know it looks like he has that Awana ribbon look on his face but he really is in love with it.
Well Jaydie has arrived, as far as baseball goes. He finally brought home the trophy. After the whole Awana ribbon scandal, we wondered if we would ever have that golden goodness in our home. Our cute boy was slightly giddy when he took home the trophy for being MVP. He is now happy as pie just to take it outside so it can "sparkle" in the sun. What can I say, the boy has a thing for bling.

Friday, June 5, 2009


Nolie and Nicole have the same first and middle initials so they will probably get married. We're writing up the paperwork now.

These are footprints in the sand. Artistic, huh??

Summer fun has officially begun!! We have been to the beach twice now in the last two weeks. This time we got to go with the Vondras and it was a bit chilly but that didn't stop the children from playing in the water until their lips were blue. (literally, right Keri?)

Monday, June 1, 2009


The boys with their new sister right after Rob told them that we could keep Daisy. They are all smitten, especially Rob....go figure.

"Hold on a sec, Daisy. Let's see what happens when I poke your eyeball."
Apparently we got a dog and it's a girl. So I am officially not the only female in the house. I guess we figured that since our twin puppies were potty trained that we could handle another potty training adventure. I don't know if any of you remember the whole rubber chicken fiasco but hopefully the twins have matured enough to know not to have a repeat offense with the dog. She is the most laid back dog I have ever seen. Sometimes you forget she's even here. Perfect fit for possibly the most lazy pet owners you may ever meet. Come on over and meet our newest family member. Bring presents (for me, not the dog).