Thursday, August 27, 2009


You know there's nothing to blog about when you're blogging about boys in a bath. If nothing else, the grandparents enjoy it...right?? I suppose this is the calm before the insanely busy fall season. Pretty soon I'll be saying/crying inconsolably "calgon take me away" and borrowing the boy's bubbles you see here. No, it will be good. As long as all of you bring me gifts and meals. Think of it as a fun service opportunity for yourself.


grammie said...

Yes, the grandparents enjoy each and every new blog...keep em coming sister (Amen)

KV said...

We still enjoy any pictures of your cute boys too! We're here for you. I got the corn dogs for tomorrow:)

G-Unit said...

Well, it is noteworthy when your boys take a bath...because of the splashing and mayhem, not because they stink.