I got to go see Dena and her sweet family this weekend and her newest babe Fisher!! Isn't he a doll face, muffin pie, cupcake?? (That's right, pulling out all the nicknames now) Momma and Sweetie held down the fort while I was gone and I'm soooooo thankful!! I didn't realize what a professional newborn photog I was until I took these pics. So, I know that half of our church is pregnant right now, if you pay me lots of money I would be glad to take your photos for you.You are welcome!!
Glad you had a good time with Dena and the kids...baby Fisher is a doll. You and Dena are doll's too!! xxxooooo momma
Glad you had a good time with Dena and the kids...baby Fisher is a doll. You and Dena are doll's too!! xxxooooo momma
Wow, very cute boy and very good pics! I'm impressed. I have no more baby's but a really cute doggy?:)
Do we have to be pregnant for photos? I guess babies just make cuter pictures. Very nice photos!
with all those "photog" skills one would think you know how to use a red eye reduction... sheesh...
So fun to have you with us..XOXO
Well, Kevin took the picture. If he wants some photography lessons I would be glad to give him some.
Wow! On so many levels...wow! Those kids are SOO cute!
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