Thursday, January 21, 2010


Well yes, I AM using the same picture as last year. In my defense it's raining like cats and dogs out there (are we in OR or what) and the children look pretty much the same as they did last year. With the exception of Yenner's fat face, Jaydie's new glasses, and longer hair for all three, it would have looked just the same had I taken it today. But this is all besides the point...HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAPA!!! You young thing you. Love you lots and lots.


G-Unit said...

Very know you can take pictures inside :) Happy Birthday Dale!

grammie said...

Very cute Care...PaPa will appreciate it I'm sure. He's checking this blog every day. Can't believe you're might as well be in Oregon

teampischke said...

he has lost a bit of cheek!

Little codster and Miss Ashley said...

Your such a funny girl!

Little codster and Miss Ashley said...

Your such a funny girl!