Sunday, April 25, 2010


Ever since the "puppy" horror (click on puppy to see photographic evidence) of 2008, we hadn't felt brave enough to go see the poppies. See, Nolan was convinced that we were going to see actual puppies. Much to his surprise there were just a bunch of orange flowers and weeds that got stuck in his flip flops (because I wanted to see how hard I could make it on myself). He did not hide his disappointment/bitterness well and you can see it on his face. This year was our year though, and they did not disappoint (although my pictures kind of did). All three boys were very happy with the puppies this year and we didn't see any snakes. So that's a praise!!


KV said...

Very orange and very pretty. Never heard the story about the puppies, funny but sad. Love your pics.

Little codster and Miss Ashley said...

To cool! Yea, tell us the story that happend in 2008! I still need to visit those bad boys before the shrivel up.

teampischke said...

the flowers are beautiful this year. Can you stop and pick up a bouquet of them on your way... make sure the police don't see you!

Grammie said...

Okay Care...finally, here is your comment...Really pretty puppie pictures. Reminds me of the Wizard of Oz a know..follow the yellow brick road. See you in three days...yippie skippie

Anonymous said...

You forgot to mention me in the puppy story. I was there too as the boys waited patiently for you to take pictures - it wasn't until we were leaving that they realized no "puppies" haha.
