Saturday, June 12, 2010


Here's a picture of the dental twins after we both had our cavities filled. Jaydie had one and I had my first three of NINE filled (it may have been quite a few years since my last dental visit)!! I've been having alot of issues like cavities, moles, a sty, a cough, and a couple canker sores. So, it hasn't been a real good week fungus-wise for me. You might wanna steer clear until I can get some disinfectant spray or somethin!!


Little codster and Miss Ashley said...

Don't feel left out, I too had two cavities filled yesterday, yuck!! I have had enough of all the poking with needles this month.

G-Unit said...

Nice...nicely done.

grammie said...

Oh my poor makes me want to come over there and take care of you. Get some antiobiotics. love and big big hugs, momma

teampischke said...

I must have been in a cave all week.. I missed out on all your action. Sorry Friend. You do make a great pouty face!

CD said...

No, one side of my mouth was numb. That's why I look so funny.