It turns out Jaydie may have more of my genetic make up than one would think. See, he put this (my) silly putty in his shorts and forgot about it until he put them on again the other day, and I have actually done that very same thing. Are you sensing the irony here? (or is it foreshadowing? I was NOT an english major) So what if I was like 28 when I did it and he's only 8; it's like we're MFEO or something!!
What is MFEO?? When you're 60 you don't get all of these acronyms.
Don't worry Grammie, I also did not know what MFEO meant. After much investigation or searching I figured out what MFEO? Thanks to google I have concluded it means MEANT FOR EACH OTHER!! wow, what would I do without google search!
Thanks for the lesson in "computer talk" Miss Ashley and Care...See when you're old you don't think of looking it up on a search engine either! But, its so guys were MFEO. Perfect together!
Ohhh I like the lingo. I may need to start texting so I can learn all these code words...
Have you guys never seen Sleepless in Seattle? You should rent's a classic.
I remember that day with great fondness!
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