Sunday, November 14, 2010


It's seems as though these are our annual turkey craft. Quick and painless...except when you poke yourself with the toothpick. There may have been some snacking before, during, and after. Isn't that what all good crafts are made of??


G-Unit said...

A classic really. Cute turkeys all around...if you catch my drift!

Little codster and Miss Ashley said...

What a cute idea!

rjjsgdc said...

I haven't ever done this one before with my kids, maybe this would be a good year. They are sometimes a little jealous of, well. . . you know.

Grammie said...

They are so so cute! Did you get that from Martha? Good to be able to see your blog again. The kids look bigger just in one week!! Love you...

emily said...

Cari- I LOVE LOVE LOVE the yellow one! It's awesome. I want to wear it on my face so no one will miss it!!
Thank you so much!

teampischke said...

super cute... if you want to spice things up next year you could try this version..