Monday, January 3, 2011


If I promise to only do one snow picture post will you look at the one million pics I'm putting up now? Sorry about the quantity.

Yenner is completely INSANE with the face plants. No really, he likes it!!
Can't resist my camouflage/onesie wearing Sweetie. Ruggedly Handsome!!
Right after the face plant if you couldn't tell.

His 153rd time going down the hill.

Well yes I DID save my snowboarding ensemble from 1992. See, it pays to save stuff (or everything).
Noel was kind enough to take Momma on her one and only sled ride down the hill. Mommy's heart almost stopped.

Now if this doesn't make your day a little brighter, I don't know what will. Thank you Grandpa sooooo much for hanging on to the blue snow suit all these years for the world to see.


Grammie said...

Love all the snow pictures, but I must say that the last one of the "snow suit" was my favorite! It's a memory maker for sure..

Anonymous said...

I love all your photos Cari!

G-Unit said...

Rob better be father, like son...

Anonymous said...

You guys are so lucky for all of that snow. Were I am at, I only got about 2 1/2 inched ;n;

Little codster and Miss Ashley said...

Wasn't it just awesome!! Why can't it snow more often!!!! Great pictures!!

teampischke said...

oh Hallie... that is a good one. I bet Rob may show up to his next Halloween party in that number.. glasses, hat and all!

SN said...

I love the snow pictures! I sure wish we would have gone with you!

Sarah said...

That snow suit is really something! ;)

Thanks for sharing the adorable-ness!
