Jaydie made this sign so he could use it on Nolan. It has also come in handy on himself at times. You want one? Jaydie would be happy to make you one. Here's a craft I found somewhere online. Cute, right?? Here's another craft from somewhere online. You don't want to know. I almost lost it with these two "crafts for kids." Number one, kids can't make these. Number two, me and contact paper DO NOT get along. And third, never attempt to make anything like this...ever!! I think the moral of the story is, quit making crafts found on blogs. Or maybe it's, quit looking at blogs. Nah, that can't be it.
You're so crafty...must be helping you (and the boys) to look at those blogs..keep searching!! Love you tonz....Momma
We do the stained glass thing-y, except it is just a sheet of wax paper instead of contact paper, and we use a glue stick. They aren't so pretty as yours, but more kid friendly. . . .
You're so crafty...must be helping you (and the boys) to look at those blogs..keep searching!! Love you tonz....Momma
I can't believe the sign...nicely done Jaydie, nicely done.
Hahaha!! "Kids can't make these." So true, so true. :) You should submit J's sign to a craft blog---now that's talent! ;)
We do the stained glass thing-y, except it is just a sheet of wax paper instead of contact paper, and we use a glue stick. They aren't so pretty as yours, but more kid friendly. . . .
I'm sure the kids love watching you do the craft. LOL!
WHAT... you did not use the edible grass from target.. no wonder you did most of the work.
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