Saturday, April 2, 2011


Wanted to try out some fancy cuppicakes (we were having some friends over) from a store in town that actually won Cupcake Wars on TLC. Rob didn't know till they were all boxed up that it would be 30 bucks for 12 of these bad boys. But it's okay that we spent that much because they actually come with diamonds inside them, AND they wash windows too. Sheeesh!! The three I have left will be carefully preserved and set up in my cupcake hall of fame. You can come view them if you want.


G-Unit said...

Sign me up for a viewing!

Grammie said...

Sign me up too!! Those cupicakes were so yummy!!

Bill & Rachel said...

So, was it worth the money??? Should we consider parting with $30 too?? =)

CD said...

Rachel, I prefer Rae's on the blvd. They're bigger cupcakes and cheaper. Try it out!!

Little codster and Miss Ashley said...

Hey I can beat that! Give me $30.00 and I will make you 24 cupcakes. Yep, you can even choose which colors you would like. I am willing to compromise, $25.oo will be okay too!

Kirsten said...

Cari- have you tried the place on Ave L?

CD said...

Ya, this WAS the place on Ave. L. It was our first time there. I think I like the ones on the blvd better.

Kirsten said...

Oh! I didn't know they were on TV too, I thought only Nadia's! Thanks for the info!

Anonymous said...

those look heavenly...there's nothing like that over here- you just gave me something else to look forward to over the summer:)

rjjsgdc said...

Does the viewing include tastings, because I would SO fly out for a taste. Even stale. But lookey no tastey is not my style. EVER.

Anonymous said... need to come visit me and I'll show you some REAL cupcakes of the rich and famous. I'll even treat!!!! :) :) :)