Monday, September 12, 2011


Blogger has been so kind as to let me make my pictures big, I feel like posting everyday.  I'll try not to be all up in your grill like that though.  Here are some things that my almost 10 (how can I have a 10 year old when I'm only 22?) has been up to.  

 Designs By Jaydie will be coming to an etsy shop near you soon.  Both of these get-ups were lovingly made by our Jaydie.  He has a gift!! 

This is how our Jaydie loaded the dishwasher.  Pretty orderly even for my freakish standards.  I only made a couple minor adjustments so I could sleep that night.  Jaydie is such a blessin'!!  We are soooo thankful for him.



Bill & Rachel said...

Hey! Jaydie and Aslyn should go into business together! =)

Mindy said...

I think the butt flaps, errrrrr, tails, are particularly creative. :) I'll be sure to add his etsy shop to my's hard to find talent like that these days! :)

rjjsgdc said...

If Jayden needs more practice. . I have a dishwasher, I would lovingly share with him.

Grammie said...

He is a TRUE talent!! Maybe we could get those get-ups into a major store...I think they'd sell. And the dish order was spectacular. You're training him up in the way he should go!!

teampischke said...

Mindy totally beat me to the comment about the tails... Coop does want to be a robot for Halloween.. maybe Jaydie could earn a few bucks...

G-Unit said...

Crafty just like his mom!