Jaydie runs a little like Mario from Super Mario Brothers. He runs fast and stiff, just like the players in the major leagues, right?? Jaydie is involved in yet another sport and it is so fun (and a little painful at times) to watch. Although he doesn't play baseball like he memorizes verses (he's a machine I tell you), he's quite a good batter. He's still kind of afraid of catching the ball though; perhaps from years of the twins throwing stuff at him. I think this whole baseball thing is super cute but if Rob had it his way Jaydie would stick to bowling. I guess you could say he's not really a team player. That and the extreme weather make Rob our bowlorama Daddy.
So cute...he's our little Babe Ruth for sure.
I love the number 12...GO 12!
not sure which is funnier.. you making fun of how your boy runs or the fact that he is taunted with 4 year olds chucking things at him all day long...
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