Friday, August 21, 2009


I've got one trick up my sleeve and it's cookies. They're great!! I don't cook, I don't clean, I don't even bake....except cookies. That's all I got. I know a way to make them that makes your heart skip a beat and then leaves you begging for more. I would share my secret with you, but then I'd have to kill you. Just kidding, all you do is add a half cup more flour and out come these little bites of heaven. I have several (I'm sure of at least 2) people who would give me their firstborn just to have a taste. I think I need a snack.


Little codster and Miss Ashley said...

I want one, I want one!!!

G-Unit said...

I can attest...your cookies are the bomb!

Grammie said...

Can you make some without sugar when I get there, PLEASE?

Anonymous said...

i am so going to try that when someone ships me some chocolate chips:) then I will have to compare notes, but I think that I can believe you.

Rob said...

That's weird...I see these wonderful pictures of my family enjoying cookies...yet I can't find any of these "little bites of heaven" in the house. Where are you hiding them?

teampischke said...

Love Rob's comment.. ALSO what brilliant chef would have given you such a GREAT idea?

emily said...

can you bring me some cookies? I could really use one..
And Rob's comment was really funny. Isn't it nice when your hubby reads your blog. I always like it when I see James reading mine:)