Did I ever tell you that we end everything with an "ie"? Well, we do, and we learned it from Grammie (see, there it is again). Whether it's milkie in the morning or nigh nightie at night, we prefer to add an extra syllable to our words. Because it's fun and it makes us happy, that's why.
Sweetie, Cari, Grammie, Jaydie, Nolie, and Yenner Goo (I don't know what happened here. There was a breakdown in the system.)
You are so goofie woofie carie warie...had such a gratie watie timie withie you guys..luvie mommie
you really are not gonna tell us the story behind the mouth "thingie"...?
Cute photos, cute kids!
The mouth "thingie" is what happens when you're goofing around instead of sleeping. We never found out exactly what happened, but our best guess involved facial contact with bunk bed. Oh well...hopefully lesson learned.
you crack me up!!!!! :) :) :)
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