Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Putting all his might into it only for it to drag lifelessly on the ground.
This looked promising for a couple seconds, but it turned out to be another nose dive.
Smiling though frustrated. What a trooper!!
I didn't realize you had to be a rocket scientist to fly a kite. We jumped, we ran, we dodged, we laughed, Mommy almost cried...it was a memory maker for sure and we never did actually get that bad boy to fly. We went inside a little defeated with the resolve to "wait for Daddy to figure it out".


Grammie said...

Where do you come up with this stuff?? I'm telling you, it's the stuff writers are made of. What a fun day that was.

Little codster and Miss Ashley said...

There was wind right? Who am I kidding, It is always windy here in the great desert!

teampischke said...

I hate to say it but.... If a gal can not get a kite to fly in the AV there is no hope..
Love the Porcupine shirt..

Missy said...

I think you need someone other than a rocket scientist...I know one who never got a kite off the ground in 2009...