Sunday, February 13, 2011


Surely you are more diligent with your laundry than I am. It's really remarkable!! Just when you think there's not one more place to leave a pile, I find one. So what if we can't actually sleep in our bed because of the piles. I think Rob finds it endearing really.

As an interesting side note, in the corner you can see my beloved blankie. (Rocky, this is for you). It's pink with bunnies on it. My nickname as a child was bunny. Isn't that sweet??


Grammie said...

Oh my little leave clothes wherever you want to.

G-Unit said...

I HATE laundry! But I love you! And your blanket is WEIRD!

teampischke said...

you ain't posting anything we all don't have all over our houses... well, maybe not the blanket.. but the Laundry on the easel.. been there.
P.S.. I can replace that "weird" scratchy blanket with something a little more soothing..

rjjsgdc said...

What do you mean you can't sleep in your bed? We just shove it all down to the foot of the bed and crawl in anyway. It keeps your feet nice and toasty to be under that many layers.