Saturday, February 26, 2011


Is putting sprinkles on applesauce a little over the top? In my defense, it's no sugar added applesauce.
Valentine's cuppicakes.
Good thing I've got 5000 sprinkles. Turns out we use lots of them here. Is there such a thing as a sprinkle hoarder?
Here are the twins' version of George Washington. Pretty good, hey?? A giant step up from the alien drawings earlier in the year.

Also, I got this recipe from Pioneer Woman and, I have to say, it was so nice!! I didn't get a picture of it because I was too busy stuffing my face. Her pictures are better anyway. Go and make it right now if you can.


Little codster and Miss Ashley said...

Oh Nummy, Nummy! So tell me, did you use ginger? thanks for sharing!! Keep posting recipes, easy ones though, for people who don't have time to cook. Okay, for people like me who don't want to cook!! Those are great George Washingtons by the way!

teampischke said...

YUM... I also want to know if you used ginger... I may have to make that this week.. minus the ginger.

CD said...

I did put a bit of fresh ginger in there and didn't really taste it. That was my first time using fresh ginger. I'm a big girl now.

rjjsgdc said...

First. My sprinkles stash looks just like that. Just when I think I own them all a new holiday comes around and I need three or four new ones.
Second. My Rob says George looks like he's wearing a straight jacket. But, I think the drawings look great! :-)

Grammie said...

Sprinkler Hoarder, Hmmmmm, I think that might be a show on A&E. Maybe you could get on that.

G-Unit said...


Ashley said...

I think it is time for another post, haha.