Sunday, March 6, 2011


I keep breaking stuff. Sad to see this bowl go.

Dropped Hallie's bowl too. And she had just made me dinner. (You can't have her; She's MINE!!) I died a little on the inside when this food fell to the floor. You know how food is a hobby of mine, right? I think Jesus may be telling me to stop doing dishes of any kind. What do you think?


grammie said...

Pretty sure that's what Jesus is trying to tell you Care. Hallie could you just be our full time Chef please?

G-Unit said...

Jesus is really talkin to you these dishes, no exercise...what's it like having one way communication with God?

Little codster and Miss Ashley said...

Uh oh!!! Hope Hallie made extra so your little belly was content. You can always super glue the bowls back right, tee hee!

teampischke said...

Ummmm I may have to leave you to become BFF"s with Hallie.. A friend who cooks you dinner is a friend in deed...Hallie.. you have my address right?

Ashley said...

I laughed for a long time at Hallie's comment. You can write a book -"Divine Intervention - When God Calls You Not to Cook, Clean, or Exercise" A life changing story of Cari D. that will inspire women everywhere.

Thanks for the laugh.