Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Made these delightful little flower balls. You should too. You've got nothin' but time on your hands, right? Here's the tute (it's a word).


Grammie said...

Okay....can elderly people do it too? Real cute, little Martha Stewart.

Little codster and Miss Ashley said...

Look at you girl! beautiful! To bad I already had my wedding, otherwise I would have hired your help. LOL!!

G-Unit said...

Tute- nice, it sounds as if you are too busy to say tutorial! Nice work!

Mindy said...

That was a really long tute. ;) Nah, just kidding. I just wanted to make a bad joke. I LOVE IT. I have 2 younger sisters that will be getting married *someday*...this would be adorable for wedding table centerpieces, don't cha think???

Ashley said...

Super cute! You are a blessing in my life!

Anonymous said...

geeeeze...you are too cute for words.