Friday, January 6, 2012


Love birds!!

The weather was beyond amazing.  Could not believe how perfect it was.

I'm the king of WORLD!!!  He kinda really thinks that.
Mini-golf was super.
Momma got her chill-axin' on.

They found this strange, maybe also a little grody, dragon on the beach.  Whatever keeps them happy, right?
Jaydie tried with all his might to dig to China, but we had to go. 


G-Unit said...

Where have all the comments gone? It's just you and me out here hon! SOOO glad you got to beach it up!

CD said...

Thank you for being my one and only reader. I will pay you handsomely for your services.

Little codster and Miss Ashley said...

Hey!!! I didn't forget about your blog!!! I love the last picture, so funny! Looks like a super fun time, don't ya just love this weather!!!

Grammie said...

Sorry I was busy with the new bedroom set! Can you pay me for looking at your blog too? Just kiddin..we did have beautiful weather and tons of fun!