Monday, October 19, 2009


One stubborn little fella was yanked out by Jaydie himself last night. I wonder how long it will be before its neighbor meets the same fate. Jaydie might be a hill-billy for Halloween. Only time will tell.


G-Unit said...

What is it about teeth hanging by the root that makes me gag? I see you put some quotes from Brennan on your side bar...way to keep it even!

The Berthiaume's said...

I think it's so cute, it will be even cuter when they are both gone and he has that toothless grin for a while. Love reading your blogs!

grammie said...

Oh my.....That idea about the hillbilly is looking better and better. Also glad to see you put little yenner goo comments up too!! We need to name our little puppy..

Denise said...

Just stopping by to see your cute pic. It's always fun to read your comments. You make me smile.

Little codster and Miss Ashley said...

It just looks so painful!

Anonymous said...

You will have so many cute photo ops when the other tooth goes as well, not that he isn't cute now though:)